In welchem Land ist Deutsch die alleinige Amtssprache bzw. amtliche anerkannte Sprache?


In Deutschland ist noch Sorbisch, Friesisch und Dänisch anerkannt, in Österreich auch Slowenisch, Ungarisch und Kroatisch, in der Schweiz Französich, Itlienisch und Rätoromanisch.

  • German is the country’s only official language:
    • Liechtenstein
  • German is the majority language, and shares official status with other languages:
    • Germany (besides locally Sorbian, Frisian, and Danish)
    • Austria (besides locally Slovene, Croatian, and Hungarian)
    • Luxembourg (besides French and Luxembourgish, the latter being a standardised High German dialect)
    • Switzerland (besides French, Italian and Rumantsch)
  • German is a minority language with official status:
    • Belgium (besides Dutch and French)
  • German language has official status only in part of the country/territory:
    • Italy (Alto Adige/Südtirol Province of Autonomous Region Trentino-Alto Adige)
    • Polish part of Silesia, mainly Upper Silesia. […]
    • [Denmark – recognized minority language in the former South Jutland County]
  • German language is recognized as a minority language:
    • Czech Republic
    • Hungary (Danube Swabians)
    • Romania (Transylvania and Banat Swabians) German language in Europe


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