In Deutschland ist noch Sorbisch, Friesisch und Dänisch anerkannt, in Österreich auch Slowenisch, Ungarisch und Kroatisch, in der Schweiz Französich, Itlienisch und Rätoromanisch.
- German is the country’s only official language:
- Liechtenstein
- German is the majority language, and shares official status with other languages:
- Germany (besides locally Sorbian, Frisian, and Danish)
- Austria (besides locally Slovene, Croatian, and Hungarian)
- Luxembourg (besides French and Luxembourgish, the latter being a standardised High German dialect)
- Switzerland (besides French, Italian and Rumantsch)
- German is a minority language with official status:
- Belgium (besides Dutch and French)
- German language has official status only in part of the country/territory:
- Italy (Alto Adige/Südtirol Province of Autonomous Region Trentino-Alto Adige)
- Polish part of Silesia, mainly Upper Silesia. […]
- [Denmark – recognized minority language in the former South Jutland County]
- German language is recognized as a minority language:
- Czech Republic
- Hungary (Danube Swabians)
- Romania (Transylvania and Banat Swabians) German language in Europe